White Paper tenfold successfully introduce IAM

With the tenfold software, you choose an Identity and Access Management System that enables users to automatically control and log user and resource management across system boundaries, and to create audit-proof reports.

This document is intended to explain the most important prerequisites necessary to introduce tenfold and make efficient use of it.


Ideally, for a successful launch of tenfold, the following actions should be taken:

Cleanup of Active Directory
In order to map the user administration processes in tenfold and to be able to use the options of automatic, role-based resource allocation, the Active Directory (AD) and the user master data contained therein must be stored completely and consistently for all attributes (see below) ...

Introduction of domain-bound DFS
A Distributed File System (DFS, in German: distributed file system) combines several physical resources in one virtual resource ...

Microsoft Best Practices folder permissions - for security and efficiency
tenfold works exclusively according to Microsoft best practices when assigning and managing file server authorizations. The method used is called the AG-DL-P principle ...

The complete content and further recommendations can be found summarized in our whitepaper.

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