Optimize the file server

On the file servers of German companies dormant huge amount of old data that were created many years ago and often have not been used for almost as many years. In addition: The data mount is distributed in so many folders and subfolders that the work with the file system is increasingly confusing, slow and prone to error.

Efficient working on the file server with migRaven.24 / 7
Data Retention explainedOur data management suite migRaven.24/7 offers with the function Data Retention explained an exit strategy for your obsolete data: your outdated data is separated into a passive area and lets you, as a user, work faster and more efficiently with the active data. This saves you time and costs!

The data separation can be spontaneous and / or regular and relieves your IT, since the departments themselves can initiate the data separation.

Lectures at the storage2day in Heidelberg
At the technical conference storage2day Thomas Gomell, Managing Director and Senior Consultant of aikux.com, gives two lectures to which we would like to invite you.

Wednesday, the 18. September:
13:15 - 14:00: The file server - advantages, disadvantages, alternatives?
15:30 - 16:15: Data retention as an alternative to conventional HSM archiving

Lecture: The file server - advantages, disadvantages, alternatives
Almost every company uses file servers to provide data to employees. Over the course of several decades, however, the concept has changed - away from the "digital filing cabinet" to the common workplace, which also serves, for example, for collaboration and the temporary storage of data.

New requirements also call for new concepts, which we will take a closer look at in this presentation. Discuss with us whether or in which cases a move to Sharepoint, Dropbox and Co. is worthwhile.

Time: Wednesday, September 18, 13:15 p.m. - 14:00 p.m.

Lecture: Data retention as an alternative to conventional HSM archiving
Hierarchical storage management (HSM) optimizes storage costs and ideally remains unnoticed by the user. Data Retention takes a different approach and purposely removes most of the data and folders from the user's field of view to improve file system efficiency.

This presentation offers a comparison between HSM archiving and data retention and demonstrates the added value of Data Retention.

Time: Wednesday, September 18, 15:30 p.m. - 16:15 p.m.