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    Webinars from our partner migRaven

    MigRaven GmbH regularly presents the software migRaven.24 / 7 to its end customers and partners and sets different priorities.
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    Webinar agendas

    migRaven. 24/7 product webinars (regular)
    Presentation, live demo and question and answer session

    On the file servers in companies pile up amounts of files, of which the vast majority are actually no longer needed. Distributed over the entire file system, they cost in many ways and obstruct the view of the actual, productive data needed. With 20.000 files per user and more, manual cleanup is no longer an option. Solutions that tackle the problem intelligently have not existed yet.

    migRaven.24 / 7 was developed to make working with the file server pleasant, more efficient and safer again. For this purpose, the software currently offers functions for analyzing the data structure, for user-controlled reduction of the amount of data and for secure, internal file sharing.

    In the migRaven.24 / 7 product webinars you will be guided live through the software in 60 minutes, with different priorities being set and your questions answered.



    Technical advice:

    We transfer our webinars Microsoft Teams, After registering you will receive a participation link, which you should use. If not yet available, the free Teams plugin will be activated in your browser at the beginning of the webinar after confirmation. No administrator rights are required for this. This can take 5-10 minutes including the necessary configuration of the audio settings. If you have never attended one of our webinars, we recommend that you start the session a few minutes earlier.

    What to expect:

    In our regular webinars we want to convey our know-how and present our methods and the software we recommend. We are currently preparing webinars on the following topics:

    • migRaven.24 / 7 and the new functions
    • Best practice for file storage / data management
    • Authorization management with tenfold
    • Find and classify data with Netwrix Auditor
    • Online training on PowerShell with Netwrix and much more

    At the end of each webinar, our experts will gladly answer your questions and, if you wish, will personally contact you.

    You are welcome to sign up for one of the upcoming webinars. You will receive your access data in advance via email and can then log in directly in the browser. Further preparations from your side are not necessary.

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