Request a trial now

Choose your product

For the following products we can offer you a test version or a demo version.

migRaven.24 / 7 logo


User-centered data management
You will find the test version for migRaven.24 / 7 and all other necessary information here on our migRaven product page.

migRaven logo

Migration and consolidation for AD and file server.
You will be assisted by an aikux Consultant for migration or restructuring testing.

tenfold logo


Unified identity and access management with tenfold. A test position can be found right here on the page to arrange further down.

Netwrix logo

Netwrix Auditor

A test version for Netwrix Auditor, the platform for visibility and control, you can do the same apply here on our site.

LinkFixer logo

link Fixer

For Linkfixer Advanced we offer a free demo version for download. You can download the link directly request here on the product page.

    Your selection


    We will contact you

    After submitting the request, we will contact you and arrange a suitable date for a free trial, which is usually accompanied by a consultant.